Alliance for
Sustainable Packaging for Foods

Reducing single-use packaging waste while maintaining food safety and product quality



The Alliance for Sustainable Packaging for Foods was launched to engage with regulators, governments, researchers and civil society organizations to ensure that packaging regulations for food achieve environmental sustainability without compromising food safety and product quality, and without increasing carbon footprint of the industry. Read the press release on the Alliance for Sustainable Packaging for Foods with founding alliance member's quotes. 

Why create the Alliance for Sustainable Packaging for Foods?

  • Pending packaging regulations in the EU have requirements that could impact food safety, quality, food loss/waste and Carbon footprint of the foods.
  • Fast moving regulations in Canada threaten the fresh categories by banning all plastics.

What does the Alliance for Sustainable Packaging for Foods do?

  1. Educate regulators and inform nongovernmental organizations on the role of packaging for food consumption, food safety and product quality, specifically in the EU, Canada and USA.
  2. Identify needs and facilitate research to ensure packaging regulations for food achieve environmental sustainability without compromising food safety and product quality.

Who is part of the Alliance for Sustainable Packaging for Foods?

IFPA partners with key partner organizations to lead efforts to harmonize global packaging regulations that are effective against single-use packaging waste while maintaining the benefits of food safety and quality, reducing food loss and waste, without incurring additional carbon footprint.

Ane Berries logo
BPI Logo
Canadian Produce Marketing Association logo
The Food Industry Association logo
Fruit South Africa logo
Frutas de Chile logo
International Fresh Produce Association logo
North American Meat Institute logo
National Wooden Pallet & Container Association logo
National Council of Farmer Cooperatives logo
National Milk Producers Federation logo
Organic Trade Association logo
Reusable Packaging Association logo
Stop Foodborne Illness logo
U.S. Dairy Export Council logo
Western Growers logo


Max Teplitski Chief Science Officer

Dr. Max Teplitski

Chief Science Officer
International Fresh Produce Association

Todd Hoffman headshot

Todd Hoff

Executive Vice President
Reusable Packaging Association

404 536-6785